Wednesday 25 April 2012

Solar Bottle

This week I made a solar light using just a plastic bottle, water and bleach. It's a cheap method of making light inside a dark space. I found how to make the lights when I came across a video of them being made in shacks in the Philippines. I'm now thinking of whether I could grow plants in this way in an otherwise dark space. 

Pinhole Solargraphy


Pinhole solargraphy camera. Using the sun to create an image which will develop onto the photographic paper inside the tin can. Here's where I found how to make it
One of my initial ideas is comparing solar energy with photosynthesis. The idea that energy from the sun to power solar panels helps us to live which can be compared to the sun providing plants with energy to produce food for itself and survive.

Thursday 19 April 2012

"In taking good care of the earth, the first step is knowing where things come from."
- Christien Meindertsma, designer
Today the project was introduced then we were shown an interview of Christien Meindertsma about her book PIG05049. One of my favourite art books, she followed where parts of a single pig went and what they were made into. From ceramics and crayons to make-up and gun ammunition.

SAS London

Energies is a brief given to Graphic Design Communication students at Chelsea College of Art. The project was launched by SAS London to recognise creative excellence and nurture emerging talent, particularly in us second year students. We were each prescribed an energy type at random as a starting point. In my case; solar. I will document my findings, thoughts and creations on this blog.

More information can be found here:


and also